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Team Access

ICDC Artifactory users can be organized into teams. All team members have equal access rights to the stored files (more details in Repositories).

Team Creation

To create a team, press New team in the upper pannel and put in required data into the modal window's fields:

  1. Team name - unique team title.
  2. Repository formats - selection of access level to repositories that will be available to members.
  3. Members - select/search available team members from the list (see also user groups).


After creating a team, you will become its admin by default.

If the change is successful, the system notification Team created will appear and all team members will be notified via email.

Information on the team, its participants and added repositories will be shown in a separate window Team settings.

User Groups

For each access level, 3 user groups are applicable:

Team Administrator - the user who created the team (or received the ownership (see Note));
Team members - users added to the team member list;
Others users - authorized users of the system (logged in).


A team administrator can transfer their role to another user by contacting support.

Access Levels to Repositories

This functionality allows you to define the level of access to artifacts of a team for different users.


Only the team administrator can manage access levels.

In total, repositories can have three levels of access:

  1. Private

    • Owner: read, update, add, delete artifacts
    • Members: read artifacts
    • Others: no access
  2. Protected

    • Owner: read, update, add, delete artifacts
    • Members: read, update, add, delete artifacts
    • Others: no access
  3. Public

    • Owner: read, update, add, delete artifacts
    • Members: read artifacts
    • Others: read artifacts


Read means downloading and viewing via WebUI.

Team Dismissal

A team is automatically dismissed if its admin restricts the access to all repositories or leaves the team.