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Dashboard Overview

After logging in, the user proceedes to the ICDC Compliance home page:

The user interface contains the following fields and functions:

  1. Language switch: allows you to change the language of the service. The service is available in Russian and English;
  2. Servers tab: here you can manage the added servers and launch their scanning;
  3. Add server tab: adding servers for ICDC Compliance security check;
  4. Schedules tab: create and manage automated server check schedules;
  5. `My account button: manage notification and report settings in your user profile, sign out.
  6. Dashboard: shows the number of all servers by filters. Each clickable card is a filter by which you can filter only certain servers:
    • All servers
    • Running scan
    • Noncompliant
    • Compliant
    • Added
  7. Search panel: server sorting by their name, description, IP, and host name.
  8. View mode button: select the view mode: list or grid.
  9. All servers panel: shows all servers added to ICDC Compliance.
  10. Support panel: allows you to ask technical support a question or open service documentation.